Let's meet at the European maritime days, on May 24th and 25th, 2023
Mis à jour le 20/04/2023« Where Ocean Leaders Meet » … Every year, at the instigation of the European Commission, the European maritime community comes together for the European Maritime Days (EMD). This year, Brest is the host city. One more reason - if one were needed - to meet us there !
2 days to learn about our European activities
As a French leading producer of maritime data, we are involved in many European projects. Maritime spatial planning, navigation safety, underwater acoustics ... fields of application are varied. Within this extensive network, we are committed to exchanging information in order to build sustainable solutions thanks to dynamic communities of practice.
In addition, we are coordinating the network of hydrographic services of EU countries within the International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO). Come and exchange on our stand with our counterparts!
More info on our European activities?
We welcome you on our stand # (number and map to come) with specific animations per half-day:
AM - Our hydrographic cooperations
PM - CISE Alert project and maritime safety
AM - Maritime Spatial Planning
PM - currents, tides, underwater acoustics
Participate in the workshops with our experts :
➡️ #7 with Armelle Sommier – CISE-Alert project manager - 24/05 - 2.30 pm
➡️ #14 with Adeline Souf – Head of Shom's MSP unit - 25/05 - 10.30 am
During the Off, 1 day to immerse yourself in our environment
On May 23rd, we are welcoming many partners to our headquarters. Workshops and visits are on the programme.
➡️ 13th session of the IHO - European Union Working Group (IENWG) chaired by France, in the presence of DG MARE
➡️ eMSP NBSR community of Practice on data, of which Shom is leader.
➡️ Meeting of all the CISE-Alert project partners.
➡️ Visit of Shom's metrology lab (registration until May 2nd)
More information on the 2023 European Maritime Days edition, on Brest métropole's website