Maritime safety and surveillance

Mis à jour le 19/07/2024

Shom, a supplier of reference data and services for maritime safety and surveillance

The authorities of the EU Member States carry out many different maritime surveillance tasks, in areas as varied as maritime safety, ship security, fisheries control, marine pollution preparedness and response in general, protection of the marine environment, customs, border control, general law enforcement and defence.

The CISE (Common Information Sharing Environment) network is one of the EU's strategic projects dedicated to information sharing for authorities responsible for safety and surveillance. CISE aims to make European and national maritime surveillance systems interoperable, by enabling the more than 300 authorities involved to exchange information automatically and securely. This initiative concerns all sectors of maritime safety and surveillance in the EU, enabling effective joint operations.


Concept of the CISE network

The Shom contributes to maritime surveillance tasks and to the development of the CISE network by providing reference data and services in its areas of responsibility and competence: nautical charts, maritime boundaries, maritime and coastal databases, nautical information, modelling of the physical marine environment. It also provides expertise and conducts studies on these services and their implementation, in cooperation with the administrations and agencies concerned, at national and European level.

The Shom, a European player in maritime surveillance

Since 2019, the Shom has been increasingly involved in maritime safety and surveillance projects co-financed by various European funds dedicated to the Mediterranean (ERDF/Interreg MED), research and innovation (Horizon 2020) and maritime affairs, fisheries and aquaculture (FEAMPA). What these projects have in common is the need to improve the exchange of dematerialised information between the various maritime authorities in the Member States. In this way, the Shom contributes to strengthening cooperation on maritime safety and surveillance at European level through collaboration with EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency), the ECGFF (European Coast Guard Forum), the JRC (EU Joint Research Centre) or directly between European project partners. These issues are also addressed at national level through participation in the CISE France working group, chaired by the General Secretariat for the Sea, which brings together the French Navy, the DGAMPA (Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Aquaculture) and the DNGCD (National Customs Coastguard Directorate).


Use case: Oil spill incident in a cross-border area near infrastructures

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