3 questions to Armelle Sommier on CISE-ALERT project
Mis à jour le 30/05/2023The CISE-ALERT project started in November 2022 and brings together 13 maritime surveillance stakeholders from 8 Member States. The aim is for them to share information and data in order to support their missions at sea. Armelle Sommier, CISE-ALERT project manager at Shom, tells us more.
What is this project all about ?
Armelle Sommier – CISE-ALERT is a project dedicated to cooperation and information exchange between maritime safety and surveillance authorities in Europe, coordinated by the French Secretariat General for the sea (SGMer) and co-financed by the FEAMPA.
The project intends to accompany the transition of CISE (Common Information Sharing Environment), a European secured information sharing network currently managed by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), into its operational phase.
CISE ALERT partners will implement and test CISE services in various crisis scenarios. More specifically, maritime authorities from different European countries will share among themselves key information and data for their operations at sea.
Today, the need for cooperation between States is crucial, and so is a quick access to correct information and reliable data. CISE-ALERT will make this possible by identifying and collecting this data, and developing the systems' interoperability for the different authorities involved (Customs, coastguards, Navy, Sea Rescue, etc.)
More on CISE ⤵
How does Shom’s participation involve ?
AS – In close collaboration with the Consortium and for each one of the partners, Shom will assess the status of connection to CISE and carry out an inventory of the systems used, the type of data involved and the formats associated. The data that can already be accessed and shared and the data further required by the operational stakeholders for their operations will be identified. A data catalogue will be built and grow throughout the project, with the invitation of Member States outside the Consortium to contribute.
Shom will also produce a report on the operational tests carried out.
What is Shom's added value in this project as a producer of maritime data?
AS – Shom's involvement in this project is in line with the previous project MED OSMoSIS and the experience and expertise developed in the recent years.
Med OSMoSIS project was dedicated to the development of interoperable tools and systems for maritime surveillance and Shom, in close collaboration with the SGmer, EMSA and the JRC (Joint Research Center), tested France's connection to CISE. The integration by the network of geographical data in a new format through the sharing of Shom’s geographical reference from data.shom.fr was also successfully completed.
Another MED OSMoSIS pilot study consisted of testing the interoperability of navigational warnings generated through the French new digital nautical information platform (PING). Navigational warnings being of great interest to surveillance authorities, their sharing is also planned in CISE-ALERT project.
Come and discuss directly with us about this project at the European Maritime Days in Brest on 24 and 25 May 2023.
We will participate in Workshop 7: How can CISE contribute to strengthening European maritime security ?
More on CISE-ALERT project